In rural central Iowa it's common for many communities to believe their best days are in the past. Jesus, thankfully, told us that He will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. This is great news!
Since Jesus is alive and well and is building His church, we can assume the best days of any church and any community may likely still be in the future as He invites us all to be part of His sacred mission for the people of rural central Iowa.
At Sacred Mission Church you'll meet many people who used to leave our community to go to church. It's great to have healthy churches in Ames, Ankeny, and Des Moines. We realized, however, instead of leaving our community to go to church what if we were actually the church in our community! Loving each other, loving our community, serving our community, and lifting high our Savior.
At Sacred Mission Church you'll also meet many people who previously didn't love Jesus as their Savior. Many people spent a lifetime living for themselves and they've been radically changed by Jesus and they are now living for Him and experiencing what they can only describe as freedom.
At Sacred Mission Church you'll also meet people who are just checking out the claims of Jesus. They're sincerely considering the Bible's claims. They're jumping in to know and be known in our community and are having really meaningful conversations about life, faith, love, peace.
If you've been walking with Jesus for decades or you've sworn off ever darkening the doorway of a church again, we invite you to be part of Sacred Mission Church.